How Videos Can Increase User Engagement?

Videos Engagement

Do you know how to use videos in blog posts? Widespread uses of Smartphone and high-speed wireless broadband have made videos reachable to most users and are one of the most popular forms of online content. In fact, video now drives more than 70% of all online traffic. And when we say video marketing, it’s not just about YouTube. More than 500 million people watch video on social media every day and spend a increasing amount of time on pages with video as they do on pages without.

In other words, if you haven’t started using video in your marketing strategy, you are way behind in the race and missing a golden opportunity to strengthen your connections with your customer.

You are also missing out an opportunity if your video content is entirely different from your other marketing efforts. One of the most useful and essential ways to capitalise on video is by integrating it with other marketing channels, and your on-site blog is one of the best places to start.

Video Summaries

When it is worth writing a blog post, it is worth creating a piece of video content also. Begin with summarising the main points of your article in a video, and then explain the points in writing. This is a proven approach that works pretty well because short and crisp videos get the most user engagement.

If you are short on time, you can also choose a vlog-only format for some of your blog posts. If this is the one you choose, consider breaking up your articles into short vlogs in order to maximise engagement.

Using Video in Blog Posts

There are basically two main options for adding videos to your blog: embedding YouTube videos on your website or hosting them yourself. Most people are seen to be better off hosting videos on YouTube. Self-hosting provides access to several SEO and analytics tools by YouTube.

Moreover, hosting videos on YouTube also gives you a commendable presence in the social world of YouTube. When done right, your channel will catapult and bring hundreds, even thousands, of new and potential customers to your business.

If you have little or no knowledge on how to use video on your website, do consult a recognised company. It is better to consult an expert from this field in order to maximise it’s effectiveness.

What to Consider?

When you choose a video strategy, the most important thing to consider is to know your goals and consistently work towards them. If your aim is to accentuate your website, come up with the videos that share your story and vision with your customers. Again, if you are not sure what approach you want to take? Conduct thorough research and study what other businesses in your industry are doing, and focus on the area you can improve and how to use video in blog posts of your own. Meet with the expert team at Media Helm to gather ideas. When you research well, you would be surprised by what actually works in your industry. All you need is a proper guidance and a good video content.

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